
I did my PhD in the DynaMo center of excellence, University of Copenhagen, led by Prof. Barbara Ann Halkier under the supervision of Prof. Meike Burow. During this time, I worked on transport and biosynthesis of the defense compounds glucosinolates in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Following this, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the lab of Prof. Niko Geldner in Lausanne, Switzerland, where I became fascinated with roots and, especially their ability to interact with and shape their surrounding environment in order to optimize plant growth.

In 2019 I obtained funding through the Max Planck Society and Alexander von Humboldt foundation (Sofja Kovalavskaja programme) to start the Andersen lab at the MPIPZ and investigate these fascinating aspects of plant life further.

Education and positions held

  • 2019-Present
    • Alexander von Humboldt Sofja Kovalevskaja Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, DE
  • 2019-Present
    • MPG Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, DE
  • 2016-2019
    • Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Molecular Plant Biology, University of Lausanne,CH
  • 2014-2016
    • Marie Curie IEF Fellow, University of Lausanne (UNIL), CH. In the lab of Prof. Niko Geldner
  • 2012-2013
    • Postdoc,DNRF Centre of Excellence for Dynamic Molecular Interactions (DynaMo), Copenhagen
  • 2009-2012
    • Ph.D. University of Copenhagen
  • 2007-2009
    • M.Sc, University of Copenhagen
  • 2006-2007
    • Research Assistant, In the lab of Prof. Leena Hilakivi-Clarke, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
  • 2004-2007
    • B.Sc, University of Copenhagen

Research Summary

Most agricultural traits are based on above-ground features (amount of seeds, plant height, weight, etc.). However, the plant-associated underground is likely to contain many traits that influence overall plant health. Roots are faced with constant stress both regarding nutrient/water availability and biotic factors such as pathogenic microbes and need to respond accordingly to survive.

The root needs to create the right response at a cellular level, and the amplitude of stress factors varies dramatically across the root system. The plant, therefore, needs to continuously integrate and monitor what each and every one of its cells perceives of its surroundings. In my group, we study how this happens on a single-cell-level.

Key publications

  • Andersen, T.G., * Naseer, S., Ursache,R., Wouter, B.S., De Rybel, B., Vermeer, J.E.M., and Geldner, N.* (2018): Diffusible repression of cytokinin signalling produces endodermal symmetry and passage cells. Nature, 555, p. 529-533, PMID: 29539635
  • Nour-Eldin, H.H.,**, Andersen, T.G.,** Burow, M., Madsen, S.R., Jørgensen, M.E., Olsen, C.E., Dreyer, I., Hedrich, R., Geiger, D. and Halkier, B.A. (2012): NRT/PTR transporters are essential for translocation of glucosinolate defence compounds to seeds. Nature. 23;488(7412):531-534. PMID: 22864417
  • Andersen, T.G.,**, Nour-Eldin HH**, Fuller, V.L., Olsen, C.E., Burow, M. and Halkier, B.A. (2013): Integration of biosynthesis and long-distance transport establish organ-specific glucosinolate profiles in vegetative Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 25(8):3133-45. PMID: 23995084
  • Barberon, M., Vermeer, J.E.M., De Bellis, D., Wang, P., Naseer, S., Andersen, T.G., Humbel, B.M., Nawrath, C., Takano, J., Salt, D.E. and Geldner ,N.(2016): Adaptation of Root Function by Nutrient-Induced Plasticity of Endodermal Differentiation. Cell. 28;164(3):447-59. PMID: 26777403
  • Ursache R., Andersen, T.G., Marhavý P., Geldner N. (2018): A protocol for combining fluorescent proteins with histological stains for diverse cell wall components. Plant J. 93(2):399-412. PMID: 29171896