
I started my study of mathematics (and minor in physics) at the Ruhr-University Bochum. I went on to a PhD in mathematics at the University of Bonn. After holding postdoc positions in Berlin, Bremen and Bonn, I have been a non-tenure-track assistant professor (“Akademische Rätin auf Zeit”) at Ruhr-University Bochum until March 2021. Since April 2021, I am an MPRGL at the MPI for Mathematics in Bonn.

Education and positions held

  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017-2021.
  • Universität Bonn 2015-2017.
  • Universität Bremen 2013-2015.
  • Freie Universität Berlin 2013-2013.
  • Universität Bonn, Promotion in Mathematik 2009-2013.
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Diplom Mathematik (Nebenfach Physik) 2004-2009.

Research Summary

My research area lies within homotopy theory, which is in turn a subfield of topology. Topology is a study of geometric objects without taking actual distances and angles into account. A table tennis ball and a ball for soccer are the same – seen as topological objects, whereas billiard balls, which are completely filled, are seen as a different topological object. In homotopy theory, we allow further identifications between topological objects to study the most fundamental geometric shapes. These studies have influenced the world of quantum physics, and deeper studies in this direction are an integral part of modern topology.

Key publications

  •  Viktoriya Ozornova and Martina Rovelli. “The Duskin nerve of 2-categories in Joyal’s cell category Θ2”. In: J. Pure Appl. Algebra 225.1 (2021), pp. 106462, 17. issn: 0022-4049. url:
 Julia E Bergner, Angélica M Osorno, Viktoriya Ozornova, Martina Rovelli, and Claudia I Scheimbauer. “The edgewise subdivision criterion for 2-Segal objects”. In: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), pp. 71–82. url: 

  • Lennart Meier and Viktoriya Ozornova. “Rings of modular forms and a splitting of TMF0(7)”. In: Selecta Mathematica 26.1 (Jan. 2020), p. 7. issn: 1420-9020. url: 1007/s00029-019-0532-5.
  • Viktoriya Ozornova and Martina Rovelli. “Model structures for (∞, n)-categories on (pre)stratified simplicial sets and prestratified simplicial spaces”. In: Algebr. Geom. Topol. 20.3 (2020), pp. 1543–1600. issn: 1472-2747. url: 

  • Julia E Bergner, Angélica M Osorno, Viktoriya Ozornova,Martina Rovelli, and Claudia I Scheimbauer. “Comparison of Waldhausen constructions”. In: https: // arxiv. org/ abs/ 1901. 03606 (2019). accepted for publication in Annals of K-Theory