Annual Meeting of Max Planck Research Group Leaders 2020

In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic we held our first virtual meeting via Zoom.


We welcomed new Max Planck Research Group Leaders who gave us thrilling presentations about their new research programs.


CPT – James McIver ( MPI Structure and Dynamics of Matter)

GSH – Andrea Martin (MPI for Psycholinguistics)

BMS – Christian Hilbe (MPI for Evolutionary Biology)


Moreover, we hosted the Scouting Officers of the MPG:

  • Henning Hofmann (BMS)
  • Marion Cerri (CPTS)
  • Peter Haffke (GHS)


The next annual meeting is scheduled for May 18h-19th 2021 and it is planned to be ONLINE. We look forward to welcoming all Max Planck Group Leaders to our virtual meeting.